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Sirumoni, Listen the songs of  Sirumoni, Play the songs of Sirumoni, Download the songs of Sirumoni


Sirumoni O

Sirumoni O

Zubeen Garg
Krishna Janma

Krishna Janma

Zubeen Garg
Xirote Thapilu

Xirote Thapilu

Zubeen Garg
A Horinam
Xowa Suwa Sri Krishna
Tini Bostro Lole Jana

Tini Bostro Lole Jana

Manash Bhagawati
Jogotore Hori

Jogotore Hori

Manash Bhagawati
Guru Jonai Koi Goise

Guru Jonai Koi Goise

Zubeen Garg
Kongxor Karagar

Kongxor Karagar

Zubeen Garg
Rudra Vishnu Milonor

Rudra Vishnu Milonor

Zubeen Garg

About album

This beautiful ablum Sirumoni consist of 10 tracks having 8.94K plays. The album incorporates the work of various artists, such as Zubeen Garg, Manash Bhagawati, Pranita Baishya Copyright © Trishul Music Creation

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